Thursday, October 1

Quit while your ahead

Perhaps when I quit we should go for cocktails? I'm not even kidding you - I work with one of the hottest men in the city and I swear he doesn't even know I exist. It kills me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not frolicking around the office flicking my hair but it would be nice if he could have a conversation longer than 4 sentences with me.
He's tall dark and strikingly handsome while maintaining boyish charm, belongs on the pages of a Hugo Boss catalogue and is as sweet as pie.
But I can't do it. I might say that he's one of the only guys I don't understand. I'm going to have to quit to even mention the fact that it would be cool to hang out, preferably in a situation where the music is so loud he'll have to lean in to hear what I'm saying and smell my perfume (then you know you've got him).
And yet I have to walk past him 5 times a day. Torture. Just shoot me now.
Actually, on second thoughts, perhaps - just fire me?