Wednesday, October 14

Your holding up traffic- green means GO!

I've been on a date christened "reassuringly untraumatic" by the Writer who took me to uber trendy sushi last night. He's adorable in a cheeky 'E' from Entourage way and kept me laughing for most of the night. But being described as that has made me wonder just how horrific some people's regular dating experiences are...don't get me wrong I've been on my fair share of doozeys but I like to employ a fresh template for every new cocktail buddy.
You can no more litmus test one date by the next than you can compare figs and corrugated iron sheds. But clearly we are spoiled by our predecessors - I mean, how can you test drive the new BWM without comparing it to the smaart car of your past? Its certainly not strictly 'fair', but it is life.
In theory each should be evaluated on his own merit and yet we're quick to adore a nationality / a profession / an abode / a favourite meal or even predisposed selection of footwear. And yet in all honesty it really doesn't say that much. I've met many a sportsman who couldn't be valued on the athlete before, many a nationality who didn't compare to their ilk and men who wore loafers when demolishing boots best revealed his outlook on life.
We date one to decide we never want anyone with a love of horror movies again, we date someone else to realise we can't be with someone who rides a bike, another convinces us that only a man with a love of sushi is 'the one' and so the trauma goes on and on. Gradually almost everyone in the developed, newly developing and undeveloped world is eliminated. Is it a fault of our endless and unrelenting search that we insist on narrowing the field to the point of insanity. What are a couple of bad dates with random forgotten guys compared to so vigilantly searching for a specific profile that essentially you can only ever be disappointed?
Give me a shitty conversation, a bad glass of wine and a loser any day - I'd rather keep my self defined 'naive' approach to dating. To think that I had passed up love based on crappy judgments would suck. Yeah the old Smart wasn't as luxurious as the new BMW, and yeah it factored into decision making, but you know what - it did the job and at the time I wouldn't have had anything else for the world.