Friday, October 30

Do you have a smaller straw- it tends to fizz...

There might be something to this constant need to super-size, repackage, re-market and re-distribute. We used to buy plain old coke- now we can get frozen coke, diet coke, coke zero, coke black, cherry coke, lime coke, snorting coke...the list is never ending. I thought it was simply a marketing ploy to get us to buy more but then I thought about it on a human scale. Each time we meet someone new, in a millisecond, we evaluate the package presented and we re-form. We fashion a 'more serious', 'more fun', 'more thoughtful' et al, side of ourselves- never erasing other features, simply shadowing them for the moment (Read - burying them deep in the closet in the attic never to be seen again. Even if you ply me with too much brandy and come at me with a pick axe will I ever tell you about all the weirdo / psycho / tri-state prosecutable characteristics that I possess. Ever.)
Hence its kind-of fascinating to me to observe the different self-packaging I decide to give off at any given point in time. From the simple difference between my Monday to Friday clothes to my Saturday night shoe choices, from the way I speak with my father to the way I approach a bar tender. Never though, does this come into play more than when I interact with the men I fancy. Last night out with work colleagues I met a very hot 'manly man' who, on any other given occasion, I might have shamelessly thrown myself upon (well maybe not, I'm indulging a little - but work with me). Unfortunately, he too was at 'work drinks'. Given that we were both already packaged in 'work' the re-packaging never occured and we never really let the other in. 
But then again, how easy is it to re-package? Does each person only get one package? Can we change them mid-stream? I don't know if I’m ever consistent! I think I might have been a different person in almost every relationship - I'm a girlfriend schizophrenic (yes I did have to Google the spelling of that). Am I giving the opposite sex what I think they want, rather than just the me I am? How much of me do I 'customise, personalise and engineer to fit'? And how far does it really get me?
I don't think I've ever changed completely, and I hope I never do in fact - I'm fab thanks! And yes, relationships do take compromise, blah blah blah, but staying yourself takes just as much effort. How do you make sure your showing someone the real you? Are we still 'us' if we re-package every now and then? Is frozen coke or diet coke still 'coke' (obviously snorting coke is now excluded at this point). I don't know, every time I think of it, I seem to be channeling a different 'me' maybe I’m having too much of that sugary fizz again.