Friday, October 16

Shepherd guide me to the pastures I hold let's sing

So talking to my (virtual- not in the online sense) brother about women tonight he started talking about a family friend who is in trouble with his girl.

Simply put, she follows him around like a throttle-less go-cart. He feels pressured because everything they do is with his mates and never hers. Cutting the crap...essentially he feels like she clings.(Definition: the un desired sheep crap that attaches, takes residence and hangs)

Now I'm in two minds about this. I'll be honest, I've been totally over the cliff with a man- yes maybe to the point where I may have done almost everything with him...and by default, perhaps with his friends. But I've also wanted to spend time with friends too- and yet worried acutely as to what the new 'amazing, important thing' in my life would think about the other (frankly more) amazing and important things already in my life...and BOOM without ever wanting, hoping or considering it...I was a guys before mates girl.

Distraught. Never.

And if there is one lesson I learnt from this, I will remember it always: Your girls, carefully sifted and carefully picked, will be there forever- never lose them and never leave them. Beyond love and beyond the love of your life- it's your friendships that will see you through the tough times and dance you through the good times. But most of all, stand your ground and be proud because they'll see you through the 'him' times, which may be forever or they may be fleeting but they will rarely be as solid as they are with your girls.

Never let it be said that MY shepherd wasn't one of my best friends, since lord knows- she knew best and she'll always keep me from being a dag (you know, the un desired shit that hangs from the sheeps ass...)