Thursday, October 8

Can I try this in another size?

The Writer's be sending me cute and curious messages that make me laugh - a friend sent a picture taken Friday...he's sexier than I remembered...his email address (useful for full names) reveals he works at a major ad maybe there is more to him than meets the eye...mystery...there's something I've missed!
The English Gentleman is rubbish at playing cool - but it's no longer a 'feeling', it's confirmed - he's not dating anyone else...we're not in America so I can't even be sure he's planning on having the 'let's just date solo' convo...and what do I say at that point...actually I kind of want to float around and do my own thing...not to mention I've still been a coward not telling him that I was hanging out with his friend Ra Ra Army Boy for a while...Oh god, too much to think about.
The Scandi is off to Scandi-land for a week or two - never mind - that was nice, but I think I was just 'trying him on for size'. He was a little to old. It appears conversations in my recent dating scenarios have frequently fallen into that 'dressing room' sector. In fact it seems to be getting more and more prevalent to pose scenarios where by we test-cast roles of husband and wife...and I'm never sure if: 1. I'm mean to take the husband or wife character and 2. if they are speaking in general or if its just me they're talking about? I'm sure I don't have "Looking to get hitched" written on my forehead, but then again perhaps its something we all do as a matter of course. Typically men try us on for size in a future family scenario and perhaps women try for a variety of things, family, money, attitude to work, potential aversion to changing footwear or shirt quality habits...
But beyond that we try each other even before we date - in fact, I think that's half the reason for the often invoked quasi-date...the 'hanging out' stage. Its at this point you can openly test if the person fits your shape, style and day to day function. Would you buy pants too short in the crutch? No, your just going to end up tugging at them like a madman with crabs until you finally get home and rip them off with relief. Would you buy a sweater so big your swimming in an ocean of fabric and you can't do your pants up after peeing? Are you comfortable wearing mohair? cashmere? nylon? bright colours? nude shades or natural fabrics? swear by organic fabrics or prefer full faux? It appears that there are as many stores and clothing items as there are people we've tried-on, walked past, admired, over budgeted for, under budgeted for, coveted, worn, worn out, worn thin and eliminated.
And yet at the end of the day, trying someone on for size is just that. And if its something you love, frankly you'll just work it, 2 sizes big or not. There is no umm'ing or ahh'ing - you grab it, you love it and you zoom out of the store with a stupid grin on your face. Some things just 'fit' and sometimes it's as simple as that.