Monday, October 12

Which channel is Martha on again?

Prince #2. He means something to me- I can't tell you what it is, but then again neither could he I suspect.

Things would be different if he lived here but it is what it is. For the times we see each other of course it's going to be fun, lively and full of conversation. We don't have a chance to get sick of each other. And the spark just bubbles quietly as long as you don't smother it.

Most dating starts out this way- but what happens if you never get past this stage? You know the relationship isn't mature yet and you long to move forward. But with him I'm forever stuck in date 3 mode. Its a dating ground hog day- all be it a cheery version without Bill Murray and that disturbing wired beaver...but when do you know or admit that?

If the best way to evaluate the recipe is to taste test it- then what choice do you have but to start cooking? Its not a fruit salad so much as the highly uncool fritta, handful of potato, some carrot and a bit of egg...throw it in the fry pan and keep your fingers crossed that it holds together.

I don't know. Stuck on date 3, ground hog day, grating everything up and hoping it clings? Is it all just rationalising? All because there is a spark between us that neither can pin down, find again, smother with an emergency fire blanket, or see it for what it might be, a spark existing simply because it's running on a gas supply.

I just end up back in the kitchen on this one...He means something to me- I can't tell you what it is, and neither could he I suspect. But whatever it is I can't figure out all the ingredients just yet and I don't think I'm ready to buy pre-made.

Perhaps I'll pour another cocktail and watch some more Martha Stewart till it comes to me...