Thursday, October 15

Don't call the nurse she's on her tea break.

The English Gentleman thinks I've lost interest because he's sick. That's not true. My affections have waned because conversation is based around how he is feeling and how much he hates being sick.

I'm a great proponent of the Marilyn Munroe quote, "If you can't handle me at my worst you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best". But come on! He's an intelligent human being and all he can talk about is the golf ball which has momentarily taken up residence in his throat. It bugs me, he's consumed with it! Its like world peace is riding on him making it known he's sick.

Why are men predisposed to acting like the world is coming to an end when they get sick? Man-flu is a well known and widespread phenomenon infecting all male beings at various points through the years. But since according to the gentleman, this is the first time in 3 years he's been ill, perhaps god is smiling on me (and the blog) by ensuring the old adage - its all about timing - is employed in this case. I'm getting the perfect tutorial in a great chemistry and connection being totally blasted. In this case by a grumpy, whining man.

Frankly- I used to care he was sick, now I don't even want to hear his voice cause I can predict each line like a bad sitcom.

I sounds heartless and horrid I know. But I'm being honest. I'm not a nurse and I'm not your mother, I'm not even your local ice cream shop who will sneak you an extra scoop! Pull your socks up and get over it- your making everyone else suffer too and perhaps if this is you at your worst- then you shouldn't have shown it to me this early. watch me come down with the nastiest flu in history next week...