Friday, October 23

Pearl of wisdom: check your curtains for fish heads

The English Gentleman is clearly not so after a 5 minute conversation in which he berated me for talking to him less for two weeks, for not being able to hack his sickness-related whining for a month and then followed up with a rather nasty email which began 'don’t reply to this...' Huh? Was he really THAT hurt after 4-5 dates that he needed to send me hate mail? And where has the cheeky, kind, thoughtful guy gone?
Am I worthy of that kind of malicious attention? I don't really get it? If he had decided he didn't want to hang out with me anymore yes I'd be hurt, but would I go to the length of calling and sending him an email trying to big myself and curtail my speaking to friends about it? Ummm. No.
Guys getting nasty is not something which I commonly run into. I always though women were the ones who were meant to get all shitty and vengeful, sew fish heads into curtains and pour bleach into shampoo bottles. Clearly the new-aged man has also decided that it looks like fun and wants his share. Where does the nastiness come from? Who flicks the switch of cold heartedness and goes shopping bright and early for the strongest bleach known to man? 
I've had my pride hurt, I've been ignored, dumped, insulted and worse. Yes, perhaps what I am guilty of is not liking him that much anymore. So sue me. But how does that mean that I'm now worthy of self indulgent emails?
At the end of the day, frankly, I don't know what his drama is. And nastiness is not something I have any time for. What I do know is that Outlook makes a cute little BLOCK button for these 'problems'. You'll find it gets stored under the 'Junk Mail' tab, sub-file: 'Bullshit'.