Thursday, September 3

Burning Bridges and Running Arms

F1 racer is out and Just-in is out.

I've consolidated into one and frankly I hope its a good choice.

F1 got rather needy to be honest, maybe it was the kid-connection. I don't like staying out till all-hours on a school night and he was always chasing a night cap at some new cool spot - which drove me mad, dates don't START at 11pm! But ignoring his texts was probably rather dull of me...I think I need to get braver on the exit-front. I just hate shutting doors, well shutting doors, bolting them and barricading them with kitchen chairs and angry midgets. But it does no one any favours not making things final, limbo aint a fun place to be for anyone.

Right - my new resolution is to burn bridges in a controlled fashion rather than pouring the petrol on and throwing a cigarette, Usual Suspect-Style. From now on I will even handedly line up all the dynamite in dot point notes as to why i'm a bad person to date and then just blow. Quick, violent and painful, thats what I'm heading for - but it will be over in a second, and thats got to be a relief. I must then remember to change my phone record to 'do not answer' rather than a name. That way I can't feel guilty. As much.

Just-in must have found out he really is gay. That's my reasoning, since he hasn't called again. Either that or he's dead. Actually I really didn't care, its nice not to have to dodge calls! I should date more faux-straight guys! Note to self.

So Arms Dealer; I met him on Wednesday night took me to lunch at a trendy bistro on Monday before jetting off to Madrid (and he's clearly taken the sun with him) - but he seems very sweet, funny and has a little sarcastic streak. Refreshing. Going to Spain this weekend to see him - I think I'll have to set down some ground rules first. Like me flying to see you for our second date DOES NOT mean anything. I still may not like you. -hmmmm that might be a hard one to cover...

Suit and Tie is pretending he is in love. Lord knows how I managed it, we went to dinner on Saturday night and then to the park Monday late afternoon...he seems to think that we're now going to be together forever. Crap. This guy could really cramp my candy picking boy-style. And this one can't really be a dynamite blow. Shame, he ticks lots of boxes, tall, hot, Scandinavian, rich, interesting, intelligent - he's just a bit excitable for me - no mystery. He gave himself away too quickly. Killer move.