Monday, September 21

I'll take the box series of The Wire and a date please.

The Boxer might have cornered me into a date but I gave him no sings of encouragement - that's for sure. Established early on that hand holding wasn't going to fly and made a mental note to myself, that if he even started to hint at a discussion concerning 'us' I would bail and didn't even give him a kiss on the cheek to say goodbye. Peace out dude. OveR! How can you think someone sending you an email that says 'I don't want to see you again' is a test? A test of what? Reading and comprehension? Cause it certainly isn't Complex Reasoning!
Whilst I was getting a DVD for my dinner with Monster Mashed another guy picked me up, lets call him the HMV poacher.
HMV Poacher: Hey, I sorry
Me removing headphones
HMV Poacher: Were you out last night?
Me: Hahaha, no - sorry
HMV Poacher: Really?!? There was a girl identical to you out last night
Me: Really? Well did you get her number?
HMV Poacher: No I was drunk
Me: Not the best move ever
HMV Poacher: I know - but she looked exactly like you
Me: We'll there you go, I'm sure there are lots of them running around
HMV Poacher: I'm xxxx
Me: Hi, I'm Mikey
HMV Poacher: Can I get your number? We could go for drinks.
Me: I don't even know you
HMV Poacher: That's what the drinks are for
Me: You've got a point...Ok
Guess I was in a good mood - and he's rather quick off the mark, inviting me for drinks tonight, frankly it's a good move, it doesn't pay to play cool with me and besides tonight I'm not free till Friday - fingers crossed I don't end up chopped into little pieces in HMV bags...Actually we're meeting outside Harvey perhaps my remains will be in slightly more durable bags which will help with identification.
In more shocking news: The Brazilian Diver has displayed a rather explosive temper! It seems the last couple of times he's recounted a story to me it involves explosions of anger and more profanities than in a girls bathroom after a school dance cheating incident...actually more but whatever. Don't get me wrong I've never been on the other end of his TNT inspired rants- but still. It was intense enough on Sunday for me to feel a little taken-a-back...hopefully this doesn't mean he'll need to be taken-back...