Sunday, September 6

Its going to take time, money and gloves

So I went to lunch with the boxer- we went round for round on martinis vs jack and lemonades. Cool kid, American gentleman, makes me laugh, smart, my age (which is new)...but sneakers and jeans- killer. Seriously- are we in a bad eposide of Seinfeld?? I thought men knew this was the kiss of death? Someone needs to write a rule book for these poor things.

And then- even worse... Mr. Arms Dealer flew me to spain for the weekend and- I almost died- he wore sneakers and jeans too- maybe its me, maybe my ability to judge this has spiralled.

Anyway, spain was boring...I hear you- I know! Lord f'ing knows how you can make a beautiful, sunny city feel like a punishment- but he managed. Which frankly was annoying since I needed to relax this weekend. I thought- use it to your advantage- learn something. He's Jewish- you know nothing about that, learn. Fine for 3 hours, then its just noise and I need some time to myself and a cigarette! Faked period pain and got a night to myself. Thank god.

And then...I met his business partner (for the second time)- and realised who I really gave my number to. Sh+t. Anyway instead of just calling it and being honest, I read the FT, ignored my guy and then led him to a gay cocktail bar where we fought over politics which I think made him more amourous and at least made me laugh.

Lord knows how I get myself out of this situation. Can I?

How do you trade one for another? Simple trades are fine when they involve parties which you can blind seperately, but not when your switching out sexy for boring and they're business partners. Give me 5 mins to think about this one.

Actually - a really cute guy just took my bag and put it in the overhead on the flight back... Things are looking up, maybe I don't have to worry about the switch anyway...