Thursday, September 17

Cling / dote / discard - maybe it's all in the definition?

I've given the Boxer the flick - I can't stand it anymore and more importantly I can't stand him anymore. Which is really annoying because he showed so much promise in the early rounds but now that I can see his truly clingy side he's got to go. I sent him an email saying, look we're both really stressed out etc - but that being the case or not, things aren't clicking the way they need to, sorry but peace out. Well not verbatim, but pretty much. Luckily he's leaving the country soon, which means that I can go back to my usual boxing class once he's left - phew, I thought I was going to have to find a new studio for a minute there. It may be the one time you hear me thank the government for the visa process here!

Suit and tie called last night, then he emails me to say he was calling 'just to hear my voice'! Thank god I didn't answer since I'd just got two messages from the Arms Dealer saying he missed my smile and he missed my laughter and I was more worried about the fact that my cleaner had hung a silk dress with red flowers next to a white chiffon top which now looks like it has a case of the measles. Ahhhhhh...More clinging - I mean I know I'm wearing tights now that the weather is turning cold, but all that static can't really be making them stick. Although it would answer some very interesting questions about what constitutes their hair choices. What has happened to the old fashioned approach, I'm too cool to call, text, email or contact you in any way (including a carrier pigeon) for at least 3 days...or 7...or even better - ever again. Maybe I have to start to be more honest with my feelings on dates. Not encourage them, or make them feel like I do actually like them. Maybe that might be an idea. I'm giving them false hopes, letting them believe that I've had so much fun I need to hear from them ever again. Lets go back to the days where men didn't call you and you convinced yourself they had died. It was easier then. Or maybe its just that the annoying ones 'cling' and the wonderful ones 'dote' and all the ones in between somehow just get 'discarded'...perhaps its all in the definition.
In another interesting twist, at dinner with two wonderful new friends on Tuesday night I was unwittingly set up with a newbie in town. Tall, dark, handsome and rather charming (his friend reads this blog so I must go gently) we're going for drinks tonight which should be interesting...for reasons i'll explain once I've had a chance to review a theory of his which involves terms such as snorkeling, the titanic, lunar and sky diving - he'll be known as the Brazilian Diver.
Oh and good news on my white chiffon top - we're back to pure again, those pesky, clingy red spots just faded away with an overnight soaking. If only the same were true of certain men...