Wednesday, September 9

Catch 22- the fine line between knowing enough and knowing too much...

So I was finishing work and thought I'd put a call out to Monster Mashed, we met up for dinner at one of my favourite spots and after some fois gras and the first glass of white I had said goodbye to my mind-numbing day - which was nice, since I had lunch with the Italian Stallion and spent the entire time thinking about work. Anyway after the mandatory how was your weekend / day / work chat, I don't know how we got on to it but I asked and (surprisingly) he told me all about his ex.
Wow. She really went out of her way to mess him up. Of course I only have his version. In the end it sounded like she was a devil and he was a fool. Saying that it was nice to see a vulnerable side, and as factual as his recount was there was a little emotion there which was a bit of a shock to see. It even made me warm to him a little more. We walked home but when we parted I just got two cheek kisses. Um - huh? So I'm thinking maybe the revelation was a little much for him, and to be fair I'm not sure how well a giant 80's style pash would have really gone down.
I let it all settle for the night, no texts, no nothing and then this morning just wrote him a note saying - thank you for dinner last night and for 'being real' - will let you know how it goes. Its a catch 22, its too early for him to be embarking on something more than playful, and I've no intention of being the re-bound but he's so fun to hang out with - and that's a rare commodity, helps that's he's hot too!