Monday, September 28

Oh I'm sorry! Wasn't I speaking English?

HMV Poacher really must be desperate. After a cheeky brunch with one of my best girls on Saturday I got a few more calls and a text saying - 'u dont reply? Wen you round 2meet?' Before she and I parted we penned the ultimate response. 'Its not rocket science - no reply=I'm not around'. Call me old fashioned but I'm not 12 nor am I a gangster, you need to write WHOLE WORDS! How hard is it to actually write what you want to say as opposed to whacking out the shortest version humanly possible? How is that endearing? How about...f off! i h8t it wen you msg in genrl! Actually - now I get it - he doesn't understand me! I'm speaking a language he doesn't get! English. Whole words must be beyond him.
Friday night's movie marathon never happened - I did have a feeling it would get cut from the reel. I've got to admit, I'm not really sure what diplomats do exactly - but it does mean he can legitimately bail at the last minute. Apparently. What bugs me is the fact he calls me 'darling' when he apologizes which infuriates me no end.
I was meant to play golf with Suit and Tie on Saturday but he went out and got trashed on Friday. Typical - I called on Friday to can him and then he sends me a message cancelling Saturday morning...huh? You can't cancel the date AFTER I've already cancelled. Doesn't work buddy. And now he want's to 'call me tonight'...uh oh...sounds serious...
In any event after a much needed calming yoga class on Saturday afternoon I went for a casual drink with my best friend and her other half who is in fact a close friend of Ra Ra Army boy (not featured in a long while since he's off crawling through mud).  He brought a friend who literally had me in hysterics all night. He's sweet and darling, hilarious, intelligent and hot! How does this work? He doesn't even seem to be damaged by an ex nor does he have 11 fingers (I checked). We hung out all Sunday as well - and still no blaring faults, other than he admitted he really liked me, which was more 'charming and honest' than 'desperate and scary'. Although - it's definitely too early to tell...he could have 11 toes, call me darling or worse send text messaged like a 12 year old.
OMG: HMV Poacher just called again! What is wrong with this guy!?! Kill me now!