Friday, September 18


Oh dear. I may have fallen for someone. Problem. Big problem. Its the Brazilian Diver and he's oceans away from what I typically go for. He's very alpha male, a little crazy, clearly used to being the centre of attention and something about him makes him slightly wonderful and its clearly not the way he dances, which just makes me feel slightly silly and fall about laughing. But are we 'too much' together - I'm used to being the centre of attention, I don't know if I can give that up. I can't really go cold turkey on my attention quota and to have someone else cutting in on it - I'm not sure if I'll cope. Typically I've always ended up with men who were slightly reserved and more listeners than talkers, have I "met my match" rather than met "my match"? And yet, perhaps the change is for the best - lord knows the others can never keep up with me, its generally the same routine, meet...chew...spit...repeat...maybe I've met a pace- maker this time and one that makes the heart flutter slightly as well...wonder if they specialise in producing pacemakers in brazil - they are the kings of industry down south.
And then there is the other one I like...Mr. Test Match - I should have been careful what I wished for, he gave me a slight brush off for a couple of days after our first date...but after ignoring him for a while he's messaging again, such simple he wants to meet up to hang out...
Spoilt for choice, I'm going to have to watch my moves, saying that it makes a change from disliking them all to liking two at once...surely one of them will disappoint by date two - right? Then again, I can always go back to meet...chew...spit...repeat...