Thursday, September 24

You spin me right round, baby, right round, like a record baby - or not.

3 days, 6 missed calls, 2 drink invites and a voicemail later the HMV poacher just doesn't give up. Fortunately - I do, and did; the minute his front door swung shut behind me and I bolted. You can learn a lot from your desire to run or even your desire to 'turn' and do the 'look back'.
You know when you say goodbye to someone after a date - and you walk those first 5 steps, you turn? Yes? Or are you already on step 25 thinking of your next hair appointment / date / political candidate choice / art purchase / new guinea pig's name? You would think that it is a clear index of desire but in truth it's a little more complicated and is rooted in the motivations behind the movement. Are you turning to see if... 1. he's still standing there, 2. he's turned to look back at you 3. he's already on his cell phone 4. to say goodbye just once more or 5. just cause you haven't seen enough of him. Is it a Curiosity turn - not to be mistaken for the real thing; The Butterfly Effect turn - the best type where your stomach does the all important drop or perhaps the Ambi turn which is a strange mixture of both.
I used to have a rule that said never to 'look back', prove your strong and can live without him but then you realise its those fleeting moments that are caught in your memory forever and even when it's all over it's just the thought of The Butterfly Effect turn that drags you out of bed, makes you wash your hair and take a chance on your cab fare:man ratio.
Dinner with The King of Spades tonight - we're hitting an Italian place that got a rave from The Times, lord knows what I'm expecting - from him that is. I'm expecting amazing things from the restaurant. I'd be more shocked if The Times let me down than a guy!