Friday, November 20

Revenge isn't always a bitch- I'm rather nice!

"She's the kind of gal you get in your head a can never really get her out. You know it can never be, but a piece of her always remains inside." I came across this little gem today. And I hope its true of every man who has ever loved me.

It's the kind of egotistical thing that you not meant to say, out loud, but do. Well at least to yourself. 

I had an older friend who was with a girl for 5 years in his early 20's. He got to 26 and decided that he didn't want to be tied down. He duly broke it off and spent the rest of his life looking for a woman just like her. And by the time he got to 50 it was too late and he'd never found her. He did get married, but he always regretted that the original girl was never his wife. He knew she was 'the one'. 

I think secretly I've always wished that of every man with whom I've had some sort of serious relationship. 

You don't know what you've got till it's gone - but by then it's usually too late to get it back. I don't mind that thought, as long its - you don't know what you've got till it's gone, and then you'll regret it forever. And if that makes me vengeful so what- we all want to be remembered, for me it's by those who loved and lost.

And to be honest about it it's because I'll always remember them.