Suit and Tie has met a girl. I met him for lunch today and he was as excited as a yappy dog on crack. They have been dating for two weeks and he thinks they are going to get married. I'm confused. I know he was looking for a serious girlfriend, but really? And he has invited her to his home country to meet all his friends and family. I mean I know I'm pushing the envelope dating 8 guys instead of 1 but....Eeeek! Actually I'm happy for him, but is this what the kids are doing these days? At the 2 week point is this the kind of thing to be expected?
My main reservation on the whole thing was set off by his penchant for name-dropping people she knows and things she owns. Don't get me wrong, a good name-bomb will get you far, but I think part of his infatuation is caught up in the material and the name-landmines she can set off. And it sent me flying, battered and bruised reeling back to where I started in the first place - The very first question: hearts or diamonds? Clearly, it's not just a choice for those of us of the female persuasion.
What do you do? Do you follow your heart? Or do you just get the biggest diamond you can?
I think in the ideal Disney world you get both, but we're all grown ups aren't we - is that combo really ever going to happen to more than a handful of us? Scarily she bears an odd resemblance to Monster Mashed's stories of his ex-finance (curiosity made me email him to check on the name). Could be a very interesting twist of fate, since from his stories it sounds like it's the diamond she's after. But then again, maybe that suits both - by the sounds of it, with all the name-dropping, that's what he seems to be infatuated with as well. Wedding bells are ringing....Bling bling, Bling bling.