Tuesday, November 17

Canyon of the Moose-Headed house plant

Is it just me, or is having a conversation with a parent these days like talking to a moose headed house plant? You feel your talking, and yes, its all going 'in' - but its not quite hitting the spot...well at least not in a way you were expecting, anticipating or desiring.

I feel this happens to me more often than I would like. I feel like some of the things I think about just aren't engineered for their generation. And whilst this list is in no way comprehensive, it does make up the topics covered in the 10 minute conversation I was lucky enough to have with my father this morning.

Youtube, I've coerced my father into finding random old music legends. I, of course, then love them and claim them as my own, cunningly getting major vintage music kudos from others. Works perfectly.

Doing more than one thing in a single night - another thing my parents are genetically engineered not to understand. They claim this is detrimental to my mental and physical health. Read: deadly. Frankly I think its social efficiency, but hitting 2 prep bars, a restaurant, a party, 6 night clubs and a 4am breakfast hot spot doesn't have the same exciting ring to them.

Having a gay boyfriend. A completely necessary item in life.

Anything un-ironed. Hey if Prada is promoting the crumpled look I will continue to pull it off, its also cheaper than the phase I went through where I dry cleaned everything I owned. They should be thankful.

And most importantly dating wildly inappropriate men. A potential sticking point with my beloved oldies. Whilst the 'rentals always try and understand my left field romantic choices they tend to observe the obligatory grand canyon between my choice for me and theirs.

As far as  can gather, it seems that generationally the paths we stomp and the words we recite are best evaluated by our peers rather than our parents. It's not that we don't value 'olds'...I just don't think they're 'getting it'.

And if they're not getting it now, they're not going to get it in 20 years...God, help me when I have children? Make sure they're at the bottom of the canyon and I'm on the top?