Friday, February 26

What's in a title?

Astonishingly I've just been asked which one I would like. I never thought you got to choose these things. Like nicknames - I thought they were simply annoying enigmas you had to embrace and accept. No one really WANTS to be called Shazza do they? Exactly. It's clearly punishment for crimes committed against polite society in a previous life.

But in general does the existence of the question mean that by selecting a title I'm immediately boxed into a category? Am I now ready for easy, general consumption by others upon introduction? Mr, Miss, Doctor, Lover, Professor, Director, Countess, Girlfriend, Husband, Knight of the Realm - they all illicit an image. So which one would I like? You know, since in this case I can choose.

I think I'd like to be officially known as 'The most amazing woman I've ever met' - verbatim please. It just rolls of the tongue so easily, and it sounds so good in conversation.

"Hi, (insert random person here) how are you - lovely to see you again"
"Wonderful to see you too 20% Russian"
"This is 'The most amazing woman I've ever met' - Mikey"
"Wow, nice to meet you"

I'm seeing amazing potential here.

But instead of simply agreeing with my spectacular idea, the 20% Russian has countered with 'More than a girl (space) friend in training', or MTAG FIT, with the M being silent of course. So pronounced - tag fit. I sound like a work out class at a trendy gym. No. What about 'She's not a girl (space) friend, but i love her' SNAG BILH - H is silent, hence snag bil. Or 'I can't call her my girlfriend yet, but I'm trying my ass off', ICCHMGY BITMAF - hmmm, might be a bit much.

How about we skip the titles, I like my original one anyway - and frankly The Countess suits me just fine.