Tuesday, February 16

Wiki Warning


I have a little business plan, well more of a plan in general...

It's called The Cigarette Pack. And essentially it's a wikipedia style, community content creator full of warnings for individuals. Searchable by full name and city its essentially a catalogue of things you might never know - but need to.

It came about because Miss Ferragamo got an email from her ex after she ran into him his current squeeze. Lo and behold what did the email read? 'What's going on sexy?'. Might I refer you to October's Blog on the 'Man Pager' and it's propensity to go off when your finally over him and happy.

More to the point- my instant reaction was 'you should send it to her'- I don't even know this girl and I've decided I'm on her side. She needs to be warned.

Miss Ferragamo doesn't have her address but essentially her warning was - he will get you hooked, cheat, give you an STD and try to get you back as many times as possible just to make you miserable! - I don't know the girl from a bar of soap but I dare say that little nugget of wisdom could be something she might like to consider.

Other warnings might run along the lines of - Afraid of commitment except to all other females but yourself, OCD and still idoloises his mother, will expect you to fold his underwear. Perhaps, incapable of dressing himself or of acting over 12. In love with an ex, himself, a mechanical object or even worse a fictional SIMS character. Married with 3 kids but doesn't wear a ring, thinks Macdonalds is a romantic location, likes to propose and then take it back. You get the gist.

But perhaps that would be too evil. I suppose it does rather obviously break privacy laws and perhaps having it all in writing doesn't allow for people to learn from their mistakes and turn over a new leaf. Then again, how much do we really change? Ever? On the other hand, if you knew, you might be able to prep for your broken heart - even if you didn't want to avoid it all together. After all people still smoke despite what's written on the front.

So who do we look after in this case? I'm of the opinion it's ourselves, together. I don't think anyone's failure has to be terminal. Maybe our failures could prove to be another's asset- with the only caveat being - I guess we'd have to know why we failed. Wikipedia might not be able to help with that.