Friday, February 5

World peace can wait

Last night at our favourite spot, The Bot Bot conversation was raging about chest hair. An odd topic you might think, but to four single girls, it's really what life is about. Ok - that might be a little indulgent, it's not world peace, but still, it's what we were talking about. It was the Davos of chest hair.
Do you utilise an undershirt to double up? Do you want to hide or expose? Do you button ALL the way up? One button open? Do you flirt with two? Are you 'all out to the wind' Hawaiian style? How much do you expose for Exposure's sake? It's like playing chicken with your clothing.
An Irish lad 'opened' the conversation, crossing the divide with an ambitious 2 button drop, at the encouragement of the four ladies he was joined by an Italian who managed to 'open up' as well, although I preferred his initial single button gap. If the truth were told, I've got to admit I'm not a fan of chest hair. I find it strange. I'm not entirely sure why - I just do. I think it might hark back to latent connotations with gorillas and nits or something. Either way I don't mind a one-button drop but two? That's ambitious, and really should come with large gold chains, brill crème slicked hair and tight jeans.
Male cleavage is a point of contention for most women, and I dare say the debate started with our jungle dwelling ancestors and will rage for long after I'm gone. Unless we genetically breed it out - hair, I mean, not men. So ultimately, we need to look past the selected button drop and remember that inside every shirt there lies a man. And, well, if under that they are also sporting another made entirely of hair...then so be it.
Davos chest hair session closed. Tea, coffee and cocktails will be served in the break. Lets come back promptly in 15 minutes and move on to world peace.