Monday, February 8

Love is a battlefield

Apt words - It really is a jungle out there, from the initial phases of meat market hunting, arbitrage, information herding, catching and gathering in a virtual minefield, through to the weeding and culling, the selection of the perfect right hand man, tilling the field of prosperity, only to see the rains come and wash away all the effort and hard work. A then like a true committed and resilient farmer; unperturbed, you start again, from the beginning, hoping that the Gods will be kinder this time around and you'll make better choices. And then, finally when you think the crops you've planted are taking root and starting to yield, a flash civil war that tears the country apart.
Welcome to the United Nations of Me. Various national anthems depending on mood and shoe choice, a multi-coloured flag covered in sequins, national dishes of sushi and candy floss, nation wide sport of being ridiculous, a cabinet comprised of dear friends and myself as elected leader.
But to be fair, I never meant to start a war, a futile war of silence and non response. But if we really can't swallow our pride and one of us surrender with that pesky white flag then we're going to lose what he had. If we haven't already. I understand the game playing notions that are borne out of the final stages of a relationship. The end is often fraught with more complications than some of the initial courting dances, which understandably terrify those crossing national boarders. But we've now ventured into situations fraught with invisible, yet razor sharp lines of diplomacy and we're not wearing a helmet.
And still, I'm going to go out on a limb and say, perhaps in this war there doesn't have to be a winner, perhaps we could just call it quits and go back to either side of the ocean? What do you think? I'm not really into winning for the sake of it - I'd rather call a truce and have a buddy. But that's my country's policy. Call me a naive leader all you like, but in this matter I'm into peace not war.