Friday, February 12

Meet the new hall monitor

My January resolution to 'keep things clean' is going well so far. Not clean as in literally, my clothes I'm sure will be just as crumpled as ever. By 'clean' I mean my love life - no longer is it going to be content sitting in the limbo lane; I can't let it get messy or confusing. Now let us not confuse this we me actually finding 'someone' - rather let us focus on the 'cutting loose' of those not needed in the script anymore. I may even go so far as to reduce my dating numbers from 8 to lets say 3 or 4. I think 2010 should be the year of the individual.
And this resolution is the reason I have discovered that there may be a niche market profession in ditching men. Or at least coming up with the messages. I've sucked it up and ditched a couple this week, a Doctor that I've seen a couple of times and a handsome English Consultant who was formal and eager rolled into one, and all in all there were good results.
Same message sent to both - 'Sorry for the silence, have been gathering courage - the night I met you I'd just broken up with my boyfriend that week, and I just think this is all a bit quick for me - thank you again for such a lovely time, I hope you don't think I'm a total idiot and sorry, x'. Granted, not entirely true, Hercules was only a demi-boyfriend at his peak and essentially we'd parted ways much earlier, not to mention I met these guys at different times, but whatever. I got some rather lovely replies. *Sigh with relief*. I can now re-visit places I was going to have to strike off my list for fear of seeing them again. Nice - two birds, one stone. What I wouldn't want to read is their honest 'Analyse and Discuss' version of my text. There is clean and then there is cruel.
I think only good things can come of me being a little more 'honest' in the whole dating game. Keeping it clean, simple and neat - it can only produce good results right? Let everyone else look after the environment, in 2010 I'll be keeping the dating scene clean. The social environment is my playground and I'll be a hall monitor.
Hey you! Watch where you throw that candy wrapper buddy.