Thursday, March 4

Please ensure you're cover letter contains the ideals your looking for in this job.

I live in my own little world most of the time. Walking down the street, I have abstract conversations with no one in particular, often thinking of something amusing I'll burst out laughing or I'll go through the motions of doing something considered private, like hitching up my stockings in a completely public place. And I do it all without thinking or realising. And while I don't think it's earth threateningly important, it's probably less than ideal - for everyone involved. It's like I stopped to think about something and then never rejoined the land of the living again. Or the world of polite society at least.

It's come to a head because there is a new kid (well a 35 year old man) at work and he keeps staring at me. Every time I look up - BOOM, he's there. Staring at me. It's driving me mental. I can't live in my own little world anymore without feeling like I'm now in a permanent fish bowl. It's unnerving.

Miss Gloss thinks it could be cause he's in my default line of vision, whenever I look away from my screens I tend to look in that direction, at nothing of note, but perhaps that has lead him to think I'm looking at him. I don't know, and I don't really care what he thinks frankly, but I can't even explain to you how frustrating it is. But I've been snapped, rather violently back into reality this morning when I - oh so elegantly - sniffed my arm pit. Yes, correct - sniffed. Ok, granted, my desk is not the ideal place to do this, but that's not really the point. I live in my own little glass box bubble, so of course I think I'm actually the only one who exists in this world and so I sniffed.

The only problem is, of course, he caught me. And now I'm paranoid. This kid must see me do everything - maybe I'm his own personal big-brother channel. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - tune out dude. I'm going to have to get a new job if this continues because I'm certainly not going to be coming back to reality any time soon. I need to be able to sniff my armpits in peace and without being judged thank you very much. I wonder how that would go down on a cover letter detailing what I'm looking for in a new line of employment?