Tuesday, March 30

The Economist meets draft night

The 20% Russian has mentioned the concept of my NPV (Net Present Value) a few times now. It's a financial term (shock) and in my mind is a process by which something's eventual value is estimated/calculated. You add in all the elements, mix it up, consider it's management team (in my case my friends and family I assume), my propensity to deliver in the long term and then assign it a value. This value denotes whether it is a stock/company worth investing in.

Playfully, my equation apparently involves apartments in most major cities, whopping great diamonds juxtaposed with my using a tea bag 17 times, a love of second hand books, never wanting to throw anything away, a Maserati and countless other factors. Each time I mention something else ridiculous apparently the Russian simply 'factors it in'.

I don't mind- or more accurately I guess I can't really mind, truth be told I have my own long term evaluation standards- even if they don't have a constant form or a nifty economic-friendly acronym. But in all honesty, it is highly unlikely this champagne swilling, foie gras monster will turn into a croc-wearing, recycled fabric embracing enviro munchkin. In other words I will never be cheap.

So I guess once all the sums are done (in both directions, if you please). It's a matter of weighing up the NVP and seeing if it's result is your MVP (Most Valuable Player). Final tallies to the front table please.