Wednesday, March 10

Far flung jewels and Nightclub insurance

I'm going to have to tell my mother I've lost, yet another, family heirloom. I'm not very good at this.

It's not that I don't love the beautiful things I have, in fact that's not the case at all, I adore and cherish the things I have been given with love. Especially those with history, stories and meaning. In truth, it's just that I tend to accidentally fling them across nightclubs.

And I acknowledge I have no one to blame but myself but I simply can't abide by the notion of keeping 'special things' only for 'special occasions'. What's the point of living life in beige when the most spectacular things are brightly coloured? I don't get it. And it's because of this, my bad habit stands out. Things I adore somehow contain a repellant which makes them leap from my body with blatant disregard. Problem.

I've lost my parent's wedding ring, huge precious stones out of both tight and antique settings, family crest rings, a bracelet which survived 300 years before it got to me and various other pieces of clothing and jewelry. Not to mention losing sight of my dignity every now and then. Ergo, I'm embracing it and have come to the conclusion that I lose everything. It's simply a matter of the length of time I get to hold onto it.

Hence I'm just going to grasp my rule of thumb and conclude that before I lose my marbles or my will to live, I'm going to continue as I have been and merely accept it. That and hope someone with a similar taste for expensive jewelry is trailing along behind me at leisure picking up some nice little sock draw stuffers. And in the meantime, I resolve to enjoy my time with the elfin memory sparks wrapped, fastened and tied around my wrists, fingers, ankles, ears or my neck. And when my trinkets and I eventually part ways, which we will inevitably do, I will take what my mother says and embrace it. "It's just a rock, as long as you're safe, that's all that matters."

I'll focus on the fact that those little memory holders are simply stone, metal or fabric and the most important things, the memories themselves can't be flung across nightclubs, even if that's really all you want to do. And knowing that, I will breathe a little easier, even though I will have to add yet another earring to my 'singles' pile and file yet another insurance claim for stupidity.