Wednesday, August 26

Welcome to wonderland...

When Alice fell down the rabbit hole she encountered a whole bunch of crazy. Thats like my everyday life. Crazy. So grab your most luxurious ball gown, your best tea cup, your iphone/blackberry or both and settle in for a wild ride.

I've got to be honest. I'm good at men. Figuring them out, reeling them in, making them feel important...then...chewing them up and spitting them out - that kind of thing. Dont get me wrong, men are wonderful - wonderful fun and wonderful company, its just that I get bored.

So currently there are approximately 8 players - one for each day of the week and a spare for good measure- I mean you just never know when one might have to leave the country unexpectedly, get arrested, get married or worse - dump you. Don't get me wrong - I adore them all, but frankly they're just amusement.