Wednesday, August 26

Snake by name snake by nature...

Last week's incident occured with a guy who decided to run after me after I dropped my lip gloss on the tube (actually not done on purpose, but a good tactic none-the-less). He proceeded to walk me home and then asked for my number. At this stage in a suit and jacket he looked hot, was very sweet and smart enough to do more than grunt. All good signs.

Venue of the date was a very cool bar - where we laughed our way through a few cocktails and then moved on to dinner at the best Chinese restaurant in town. After which he invited me back to his place and actually told me he thought it was going to be a one night stand. For starters NO NO and NO. I mean I appreciate honesty - but seriously? What about my beautifully selected silk dress and pumps screamed whore? Secondly, he was wearing rough snake skin cowboy boots - IN WHITE, lord knows HOW I had missed this and then upon learning this why I did not turn on my Choo heels and flee! What would possess someone to do something so stupid as to wear something so hideous on date number one. I now realise why in his late 30's not settled at it totally falls down to the chat and the shoes. Its going to take a very special girl to endure him - thank god its not going to be me.